“The test of a good coach is that when they leave, others will carry on successfully.”
Author UnknownExecutive Coaching
Successful talent management has become a critical competitive advantage for companies. Placing individuals in the appropriate assignments and shepherding their development is more important than ever. Coaching is now seen as a key aspect of development.
The focus of how we coach our clients is to create measurable changes in their behavior that lead to significant business results. We use a combination of 360-degree leadership assessment reports, robust self-assessment questionnaires and interviews to help an individual obtain a clear picture of his or her strengths and weaknesses.

Examples of client assignments
Rich Mayhew, President of The Mayhew Group was asked to coach the chief executive officer of a bio-med diagnostic development company. The C.E.O. was having trouble working with his executive team and steering the company towards its strategic objectives. Rich used a process of confidential interviews and assessment questionnaires to help the client get a clear picture of his leadership style. In a series of sessions where Rich moved the client to see the impact of his behavior on others he was able to identify the source of his “old” leadership style. Rich helped the client to identify what his leadership situation was calling for him to do. Based on that “call”, Rich coached him so that he could change his behavior, which he practiced over the next several months, As a result he rebuilt his leadership credibility and established a new working relationship with the executive team. He was then able to provide the appropriate direction for their strategy to be implemented.
Rich was asked by the board chair of a NGO to coach the C.E.O. so that she could have a more productive working relationship with the board. Through an in-depth assessment process of board and staff interviews as well as use of The Harrison Innerview self-assessment report, Rich provided the C.E.O. with critical insights about how her leadership was impacting her board-related effectiveness. Through weekly coaching sessions that combined discussing the background of her leadership style with the skill-building of new behaviors, the client was able to shift her approach. This resulted in harmonious relationships being re-established with the board.
Executive Coaching – Other Coaching assignments
- The C.E.O. of a hi-technology company.
- The president of an entertainment company division.
- An executive at a renewable energy generation company.
- Creative and production executives of an entertainment company.
- The head of a division media relations department of an entertainment company.
- A senior business affairs lawyer in an entertainment company.
- A division head of a national savings and loan.
- Senior marketing executives from two medical products companies.
- The Chief Administrative Officer of a government agency.
- High-potential executives at an electric and gas utility.
- Marketing executives and managers at an entertainment company.
- A senior project manager of an energy company.
- An executive of a shipbuilding company.