“When what you are doing isn’t working, you tend to do more of the same and with greater intensity.”
Culture is the “operating system” of an organization: the coalescence of all of the shared beliefs, values, norms and practices played out daily. Culture guides what your employees will consider most important and how she or he might think, act and feel at work. Dr. Dan Denison’s research at the University of Michigan has shown that companies that align their cultures with the demands of their business environments consistently outperform organizations that are not aligned in the following ways:
• 571% higher gains in operating earnings.
• 417% higher returns on investment.
• Increases in stock prices of 363%.

We use online assessment questionnaires and personal interviews as a starting point to identify your existing culture. Once the culture and change-readiness assessments have been completed, we will provide you with specific recommendations and a road map for implementation on how to embark on organizational change or to adjust your company’s culture. We also supplement your internal change efforts by providing communication guidance, leadership and organizational development programs as well as change your management processes.
We offer leaders the advice, programs and tools to:
- Articulate a clear vision of the future state of the organization and the values that guide employees’ decisions and actions.
- Clarify and communicate the strategies required to succeed.
- Gain buy-in and commitment to the mission, vision, values and strategies.
- Adjust the organization’s culture and ensure employee alignment.
- Develop specific change initiatives, plan implementation and monitor progress against those plans.
Examples of client assignments
A start-up drug development company wanted to ensure that their culture reinforced their mission and strategy. They saw the need to establish consistent management practices and organizational values as their workforce grew. We used the Dennison Organizational Assessment to gain a fix on their culture. We then helped them develop a set of values and management practices that their executive could model. One outcome, through follow-on discussions with their employees was a renewed commitment to the company’s mission and strategy.
The animation division of a leading entertainment company decided to redesign their production process. The impact of this redesign meant a change in the way production executives and managers shepherded projects through to distribution. We were asked to design and implement a leadership program as well as change strategies to facilitate the impact of the redesign on the staff. Consequently our work involved coaching and teambuilding with the executives, 360-degree leadership assessment and managerial skill-building. Our work resulted in a smooth transition to the new process without a disruption in creativity as well as no slippage in production deadlines
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